DIY (do-it-yourself) fringe skirt, Cotton On Blouse, vintage fur shawl and fascinator hat designed by Phuong My. |
Me and Megan of Astonish Magazine with designer Dahae Kim of Homme |
Me interviewing jewelry designer, Eugene Huang |
Models backstage, before the runway show began |

On Saturday, I had the luxury of attending, helping and interviewing all the designers at the Black V 2.0 Fashion Show event. The event was quite a success! Everything went according to plan and the fashion show was smooth and seamless. It was fun and exciting talking to all the designers, assistants and models and just seeing the process of everything.
One particular thing I enjoyed about this show was the arrangement of seats. Unconventional to typical runway shows, the seats were set-up with catwalk space in-between each row, allowing front row seating to all guests. Detail to each garment was able to be noticed due to the intimate set-up.
Interviews with designers can be found
here. (
Unfortunately, some of the video’s were unable to be posted due to the level of background noise & not being able to hear the designers =( )