Growing up Thanksgiving was a quite boring holiday for me since my family is very small and I was envious of those with large family gatherings. Although we’ve always done the traditional turkey meal, staying home all day with my family that I live with never seemed that fun. Now that I’m an adult, I have a whole new appreciation for Thanksgiving and the meaning of it. This year has been the happiest I’ve ever been in my life and I am filled with so much gratitude. My list of gratitudes can be endless but here are the top things I’m thankful for.
What I’m thankful for this year:
Josh: Everday I’m filled with so much love and gratitude for marrying a spouse that completes me in every way. Before Josh, I’ve had my good share of singledom and serial dating and for all my single friends out there… it’s better to be single than to settle. I feel incredibly blessed for dating Josh when the time was right (we were friends for a whole year before dating) and having everything fall into place after that. I would not be where I am without him. Thank you for always keeping me sane, safe, and making all my aspirations come true.
Our first home: I never would’ve imagined myself to own a home in San Francisco. The idea was so farfetched given that San Francisco is the 2nd most expensive city to live in the states (NY is first). I feel incredibly blessed for being a homeowner and having a home that we can see ourselves growing a family in. 2-days after we moved in it already felt homey and we knew this house was meant for us. We are beyond grateful for our beautiful home and all the possibilities this home has to offer for our future.
My career: Outside of blogging, the majority of my days are spent working a 9-5 and my career has always been my priority. I’ve always been ambitious with my career and am finally at a company I can see myself at for several years and am very content. I am so grateful for working at a company with a great mission, a sustainable business model, for being surrounded by good-hearted coworkers who inspire and challenge me, and having a job doing what I love.
Our future fur baby: So if you’re reading this, you’re one of the first ones to know that Josh and I just got a dog!!! It happened out of nowhere and we literally decided to get a dog in 1-day, but like most things in our life we tend to move fast when things feel right. We got an Aussie doodle and get to pick her up late December and are excited to grow our little family. The thought of having a fur baby run around our new home brings so much joy and we are so grateful the opportunity to adopt a dog fell into our lap.
My family: I’ve grown a lot closer to my family over the years and can tell that my parents have been so happy since they’re proud of me and my brother. My parents left everything in Korea to pursue a life in America and when my parents met in America, my dad only had $40. We grew up lower-middle-class and my parents (or more like my tiger mom) had a lot of ambitions and goals for us. I wasn’t the best kid growing up (I was a rebel and always getting into trouble) so seeing my parents happy, worry-free, and smile has really brought peace to my heart.
YOU: This year I’ve finally learned to embrace and accept that it is not about the number of followers or likes, but it’s about the connections and engagement. Every time I get a DM from you, it warms my heart that you feel comfortable enough to DM me and that I have a loyal fan base that makes me feel like I have a community and support system. I am so grateful for that, and for building great new relationships with inspiring women around the world. For all my content creators, thank you for inspiring and challenging me, and for all my followers, thank you for believing in me and giving me purpose outside my 9-5.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Love you!

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