Oh my goodness, I am embarrassed that I only blogged ONCE the entire month of May. I just looked through my archive and the last time I wrote 1 blog post in 1 month was October of 2016! I’ll need to hold myself more accountable moving forward because that is not ok. So you might be wondering, where have you been?!
To be honest, I’ve been around haha but May flew by because I was so busy and tired. Plus, when I did have down time I just wanted to rest, Netflix and chill. I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older or because I’ve been mentally drained but I know ya’ll can relate to needing a break once in a while.
The biggest change that happened was that I got a new job! As I’m sure you know, Job hunting in itself can be so much work. The companies I was interviewing for had intense interview processes too that required multiple interviews, 4-hour in-person interviews, and assignments/presentations. That combined with wrapping things up at my old company, traveling, balancing collaborations, and maintaining my social life (and sanity) just got the best of me in May. It was all worth it though because I got a job offer at my top choice, Airbnb!
I took 1-week off between jobs and when I started at Airbnb I felt overwhelmed from absorbing so much information and trying to learn everything right away. I have a tendency to put a lot of pressure on myself, so even though I was new (and everyone kept telling me it’d take a while to learn and get comfortable at Airbnb) I felt this need to adjust and learn everything right away. By the time I got home, I’d find myself mentally drained that I didn’t want to do anything that required thinking. It wasn’t until recently that I realized I need to chill, embrace the unknown, and stop putting so much pressure on myself because you’re always your own worst critic. I’m still really busy (I even just got back from a 1-week work trip in London), but know that balance is huge and it’s ok to pace yourself and say “no” to prevent burn-out. What this means for me personally is that I need to stop giving myself such high expectations, to not take on any collaborations unless it’s a fu*k yes, and to prioritize my time by spending it with those I truly value. So anyway, that’s where I’ve been! Here’s hoping that we all add more balance and “chillness” to our life despite times of change and growth. 🙂

Wearing OneTeaspoon denim skirt (similar here & here), white Zara sandals, Wildfox distressed white sweater (similar here for $25) and Ettika necklace.
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