My very first designer handbag was purchased on eBay. It was a Louis Vuitton Neverfull that I got for $800 which is crazy since that handbag is now $1,320 brand new. I’ve purchased a few vintage designer handbags online including my Chanel Diana handbag (worn here) and this Chloe pixie bag that I’m wearing. I personally love buying pre-loved designer bags because it’s cheaper, vintage styles are more unique, and since there’s already wear on them I’m less paranoid about wearing it out. It’s also better for the environment since you’re reducing waste by shopping pre-loved inventory. Below are my favorite places to shop for vintage designer goods.
Where to buy vintage designer handbags online:
- ebay: ebay is the first place I go when it comes to wanting anything vintage or pre-loved since it’s the largest online marketplace. I’m often able to find anything and everything on ebay and you can negotiate or bid with the seller to purchase pieces at an incredible price. ebay also does a great job to ensure that all designer listings are authentic (they flag fake listings and remove them) and if for some reason they’re not, they’ll refund you your money. I often use ebay for shopping popular vintage, classic designer handbags.
- Poshmark: I am a huge Poshmark advocate as a buyer and seller. The great thing about Poshmark is that for any listing over $500, they’ll automatically verify your purchase to guarantee its 100% authentic. What this means is that the product gets shipped to Poshmark headquarters where there’s a team of people to make sure the product is legit. If it’s not, it’ll get mailed back to the seller and you won’t get charged for it. It eliminates the worry of buying anything that might be fake. I love going to Poshmark for specific fashion items.
- StockX: I recently discovered StockX and became a fan due to the level of trust they offer. Unlike ebay and Poshmark where listings are handled by the buyer and seller, StockX has employees who act as a middleman to ensure everything is 100% authentic and that the pricing is fair (they use real-time market data to price compare). They also have a great selection of inventory and you can bid on prices to get a better deal than what’s offered. I found that StockX is best for confidently shopping vintage designer handbags without the worry or stress of it being fake or having to deal with an annoying seller.
What vintage designer handbags are on your want list? I’d love to know!

Wearing Zara slip dress (similar here for $16), Zara white sandals, Chloe Pixie bag from StockX, and Balenciaga sunglasses.
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