Wearing Dress The Population lucy sequin dress, Alexandre Birman clarita heels, and Givenchy crystal earrings.
It’s finally 2018! Although 2017 wasn’t the best year in regards to all the political climates and world events that happened, it was a very positive year for me personally. I got engaged, promoted at work, was a guest speaker on the podcast “Life According to Her“, and grew my blog network and following by more than double. I also had a lot of epic trips including Croatia with my best friend, Mexico with Josh, Miami for a bachelorette, and various birthday celebrations all over the states. I also made my first Chanel (read about it here) & Hermes purchase ever! So if you were to ask me about 2017, I’d say it was pretty awesome. I’m so thankful for all the experiences, and especially for you for supporting me and giving me the motivation to continue doing what I love.
Every year I like to set new year’s goals instead of resolutions. I like the idea of goal setting since its more achievable and I like the challenge of working towards something greater. I’ve never been a fan of “resolutions” since people tend to never keep them and they sound so strict. If you’re the type to never keep or make new year’s resolutions, shift your perception and instead make new year goals. You might surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.
I wanted to share my new year’s goals to inspire you to think of ways to continually better and improve yourself. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, but never have? Well if so, this year is the year to do it. I’ll openly share what my goals are to give you some ideas.
My 3 Goals for 2018:
- Give back more: I’ve reached a point where I’m comfortable, content, and have everything I need. I often think about the way I was raised and a missionary trip I took to Mexico in 2003 where I built homes for the homeless and literally saw the extremities of poverty with my eyes. Everyone in the village lived in a shelter built of cardboard and plastic bags taped together. I remember eating a starburst, accidentally spitting it out and seeing kids scrambling for it. A kid furiously picked it up and ate it even though it was covered in dirt and dust. There are so many ways to give back and while donations are one way, volunteering your time or inspiring people and giving hope is another. When I turned 30, I told myself my 30’s would be dedicated to giving back to others and the community. This is the beginning of that journey to give back more.
- Continue learning: I’m realizing more than ever how important education is, especially when you’re no longer in school. It’s been 3-years since I got my MBA, meaning it’s been 3-years since I stopped getting actively educated. As you get older, you’ll realize that the best way to set yourself ahead of the curve and to stay mentally healthy is by constantly learning. I often read back on my blog posts and get overly critical (sometimes even embarrassed) of my writing skills. So this year I plan to read more books (just bought the book Evicted) and take online classes like at CreativeLive to continually grow and be the best version of myself.
- Take better care of my health: I downloaded the app MyFitnessPal and started tracking my calories. This isn’t because I’m trying to lose weight but to be more conscious of what I eat and maintain a healthy diet. I’m the type of person who eats what I crave and there are many days that I feel like sh*t because of what I eat. Your diet directly correlates with how you feel and your energy level. On days that I eat better or work-out, I feel better. I work out 2-3x/week, but on days where I work-out AND eat better, I feel fkn golden. So this is the beginning of me feeling golden every day which is also perfect timing considering I want to look and feel my best during my wedding in September. 🙂
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