Wearing Keep in Mind LA blouse, J Brand
I grew up lower/middle-class and remember always being enamored by people who were well-off or appeared to be very wealthy. Ever since I was young, I strived to be successful so I could live the lifestyle of those that I aspired to be. Now that I’m older I’ve learned there are ways to look “well-off” and the crazy part is that none of it has to do with money!
How to look more expensive without spending a dime:
- Have good hygiene: You can be wearing the most basic outfit but if you are properly groomed and have good hygiene you will instantly look well-off. People who look expensive appear that way because wealthy people often take good care of themselves. Their nails are manicured, their hair is groomed, their makeup is flawless, they smell good and overall they look clean. Something as simple as having properly groomed hair can dramatically change the way you look.
- Wear clothes that properly fit: It took me 26 years to realize I was wearing clothes that didn’t properly fit. A large part of this was shopping at brands like Forever21 who didn’t carry XS and petite-sized clothing. Now when I shop, I ONLY buy things in my exact size which I discovered is actually an XXS or XS. I’ll also hem my clothes if they’re too big or long (especially dresses and jeans). You probably can’t tell, but I cut 6″ off the bottom of the jeans I’m wearing. Wearing clothes that properly fit makes you look put-together since it looks like the clothes you’re wearing was made for you.
- Iron your clothes to make them wrinkle-free: Wearing clean clothes that are freshly steamed or ironed can make all the difference in elevating your look. When you wear wrinkled clothes, it comes off messy (even if it’s clean) and the wrinkles distract your outfit. I’ve received dresses in the mail with wrinkles from being folded and when I try it on it looks cheap. When I re-try it on after the dress has been steamed, it looks completely different and I even feel more confident in it. Ironing your clothes makes the fabric look consistent, clean and even more expensive.

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